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Bikram Yoga Hazel Dell
Your Friendly Neighborhood Local Yoga Studio.
At Bikram Yoga Hazel Dell, we are committed to your health and believe a consistent Bikram Yoga practice will change your life and your health in amazing ways. Located in Vancouver, WA, Bikram yoga is a fun, challenging, engaging and rewarding 90 minute yoga series performed in a heated room. The series is a sequence and consists of 26 postures and two breathing exercises suitable for all ages and all levels of ability. These postures work synergistically and cumulatively to bring health and vitality to the body and mind. Bikram "hot" Yoga has been healing people and changing lives all over the world. We look forward to seeing you.
Established in 2013.
Bikram Yoga Hazel Dell is the product of many years of dreaming, studying, and creating. It is my pleasure to build a space for all of West Vancouver to get familiar with and build a Bikram Yoga Practice. This studio is the only Bikram Yoga Studio on Vancouver's West-side. Established in May 2013!
All of our instructors are Bikram Yoga Certified with over 50 years of cumulative experience. Many have taught and studied all over the world with Bikram Affiliated studios, bringing to you a depth of knowledge and experience and often truly amazing experiences and stories. We are looking forward to serving Vancouver's Westside.
Mica is a dedicated yoga practitioner who is committed to bringing to you access to the yoga that she knows can change your life. Bikram yoga changed her life too. She knows just how amazing and re-energized you can feel after just the first class. Mica has been practicing Bikram Yoga for over 10 years. She completed a nine week Teacher Training with Bikram Choudhury, in Alcapulco, Mexico in Fall 2008 for her Certification. She has returned multiple times to assist at subsequent Trainings and continues to hone her skills as a practitioner and an Instructor. Mica has taught tens of thousands of people this yoga practice. She is compas...
- Posted on: 2014-06-07 07:17:32
- Classified ad views: 10
- Item ID: 8319966