If you are looking for a teacup puppy then you have found the rightrnplace. Mother weighs 3.8 pounds and is very sweet and elegant.rnFather weighs 3 pounds. He is a very loving male with outstandingrnlooks. Puppies will be full grown around 3-3.8 lbs. They have tailrndocked and dewclaws removed, wormed, and current on shots.Reply to:If you are looking for a teacup puppy then you have found the rightrnplace. Mother weighs 3.8 pounds and is very sweet and elegant.rnFather weighs 3 pounds. He is a very loving male with outstandingrnlooks. Puppies will be full grown around 3-3.8 lbs. They have tailrndocked and dewclaws removed, wormed, and current on shots.Reply to:602-800-6029
Posted on: 2016-03-30 21:02:46
Classified ad views: 2
Item ID: 13481294
Map location: 37201, Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA