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akc ch lined pug puppies
Rupert is an AKC registered Brindle Male Pug. His Dam is our brindle female, Maggie, and his Sire is our white male, Attila. He has WHITE AND BRINDLE LINES! Rupert is very friendly and great with people. He is picking up crate training and other things very quickly. He is put together very nicely and would make a great addition to any family or breeding program. He comes with FULL AKC Breeding Rights!! He has been micro chipped. Rupert has also received his shots and has been wormed. He was born December 11, 2013. So he is ready to leave today. Tipping Point Offers lifetime support on any puppy purchased. We welcome our customers to come out and stop by and check out the puppies we have available or to check out the parents.Price: $300rnWe are a small home-based licensed breeder. WE ARE NOT A PUPPY MILL. Our adult dogs and puppies are raised in our home and after their first vaccination; six weeks; are started on training to go outside to potty. We do not paper train because we believe it's harder to house break your puppy. However, we do create train the puppies, they should have their own place for naps, time outs and bedtime. We take great pride in our dogs and puppies. (720) 361-0554
- Posted on: 2014-04-06 08:47:24
- Classified ad views: 4
- Item ID: 737825