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Online Training and Placement on SAP, Oracle, Java, SAS, DWH, QA, QTP, BA, .NET
SP Technologies started with a motto to provide quality and effective online training for the students worldwide with the best instructors.We are stuffed with 250+ instructors who are having 5-20 years of Industry expertise and 2-10 years of teaching experience. So you can benefit from their real-time expertise.rnrnrnSP Technologies provide Online Training & Corporate Training. We make sure for a right class size in order to make Online sessions most interactive. Students can select the sessions according to their feasibility on Weekdays (90mins x 5 days) or Weekends (4 hours each on sat & sun).rnrnrnAt SP Technologies,we will provide You with 24/7 Server Access, Practice Assistance and Chat Support to resolve your queries.rnAdvantages of Training Aspirantsrnrnrn• Interactive learning at learner’s conveniencern• Industry savvy trainersrn• Custom & real-time curriculumrn• Regular and Crash Courses at the students feasibilityrn• 24/7 server accessrn• Competitive pricingrn• Quality course materialsrn• Certifications & on-the-job trainingrnrnrnName : KumarrnPhone :(732) 218-7868rnmail :[email protected] : 091-9618603277
- Posted on: 2014-05-21 14:09:45
- Classified ad views: 9
- Item ID: 738093