This 2017 Kia Sedona LX FWD is offered to you for sale by Kia of Las Cruces. There is no reason why you shouldn't buy this Kia Sedona LX FWD. It is incomparable for the price and quality. This is the one. Just what you've been looking for. Based on the superb condition of this vehicle, along with the options and color, this Kia Sedona LX FWD is sure to sell fast. The Kia Sedona LX FWD will provide you with everything you have always wanted in a car -- Quality, Reliability, and Character.
Posted on: 2017-06-17 08:41:36
Classified ad views: 3
Item ID: 8530523
Map location: 88005, Las Cruces, Dona Ana, New Mexico, USA