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Hardwick, Hause, Segrest & Walding
Dothan, Houston
Alabama, USA

The firm traces its early beginning to 1933 when William Guy Hardwick established his law practice in Dothan, Alabama, after graduating from the University of Alabama School of Law. In 1952, William G. Hause graduated from the University of Alabama and joined his uncle in Dothan. In July, 1963, Jere C. Segrest joined W.G. Hardwick in the general practice of law in Dothan, Alabama, where Hardwick was associated with William G. Hause. The firm, Hardwick, Hause & Segrest, was established on July 1, 1967, by W.G. Hardwick, William G. Hause and Jere C. Segrest. The firm has a general federal and state litigation practice at the trial and appellate levels in Alabama. All the partners of the firm have been appellate court law clerks. The firm engages in a diverse Civil Practice representing both Plaintiffs and Defendants in Personal Injury actions and Insurance defense. The firm also handles complex Domestic Matters. In addition, the firm provides a wide variety of legal services to governmental entities, including school boards, municipal corporations, individuals and corporations in civil matters. The firm adheres to the highest ethical standards in representing its clients. Jere C. Segrest served on the Alabama Board of Bar Commissioners from 1979-1982.
Business Hours
- Mon : 08:00:00 AM - 05:00:00 PM
- Tue : 08:00:00 AM - 05:00:00 PM
- Wed : 08:00:00 AM - 05:00:00 PM
- Thu : 08:00:00 AM - 05:00:00 PM
- Fri : 08:00:00 AM - 05:00:00 PM
- Sat : Closed
- Sun : Closed
Payments Accepted
American Express,Discover,MasterCard,VisaPhone Numbers
[email protected]Additional URLs
General PracticeLitigationInsurance DefensePersonal InjuryDomestic RelationsTrial PracticeAppellate PracticeEducation LawProbate
- Posted on: 2018-04-23 10:13:21
- Classified ad views: 39